


這次有幸能夠參與小花花的生產,雖然因為速度太快又沒趕上,但這次去還是見識到了新東西──蓮花生 lotus birth

蓮花生(lotus birth),也就是完全不剪臍帶,把胎盤處理過後另外放在一個小籃子裡,通常大約一週左右臍帶會脫落的樣子。

















A:蓮花生就是維持臍帶的完整,不切斷臍帶並避免臍靜脈感染的危機。又稱為"Umbilical Nonseverance"(不切斷臍帶)或"Navel Integrity

不斷臍在今日的Balinese Bumi Sehat Yayasan birth centers是很常見的,也是不論在何處生產(生產機構、居家、醫療院所),世界各地婦女會被知會能夠做的選擇。根據"Lotus Birth" 一文的編者Rachana Shivam,蓮花生已在澳洲許多教學醫院被實施,而針對此的醫學專業再教育也正在實行。

提供蓮花生這項選擇的專業人士必須遵守"Passive Management"關於第三產程的規章,並且不得以侵略性的方式固定/夾住臍帶。寶寶必須在出生後、胎盤娩出時連接著臍帶。寶寶須與臍帶相連,輕柔的被包覆在衣物中或被放置在母親身旁無覆蓋物的容器中,臍帶可以絲帶包裹。臍帶很快便會乾燥萎縮,通常在產後第三天脫落(有時在潮濕的室內環境中延長至一週),留下完美的肚臍。



Q:  What is Lotus Birth exactly?  
A:  The practice of maintaining umbilical integrity and neonatal intactness - nonseverance of the umbilical cord and absence of any potential portal of navel infection.  Also called "Umbilical Nonseverance" or "Navel Integrity Practice."  The baby, cord, and placenta are treated as one unit, as they are all originate from the same cellular source (egg and sperm) and are a molecular unit.   Short lotus birth (severance of the fully internally sealed and shrunken cord 4-6 hours after birth) is a common practice in traditional midwifery and indigenous culture in all regions of the earth, and full lotus birth (nonseverance, allowing the cord to dry to sinew and naturally detach) was a practice mentioned in diaries of the early American West european settlers who produced some of the hardiest children known in American history... and valued everything they had.   

Navel integrity practice is a common protocol in the Balinese Bumi Sehat Yayasan birth centers today, and is an informed choice option for women throughout the world, regardless of where the birth occurs (birth center, home, or hospital).   According to Rachana Shivam, editor of the text entitled "Lotus Birth," lotus births have occurred at several teaching hospitals in Australia, and medical professional continuing education on the subject is occurring.
This informed choice practice requests healthcare providers to follow the protocols of "Passive Management" of Third Stage Labor, and also forego invasive cord clamping.  The baby is born and remains attached to its cord while the placenta is birthed.  The baby's placenta-cord is kept in-situ with the baby, gently wrapped in cloth or kept in an uncovered bowl near the mother, and the cord is sometimes wrapped in silk ribbon up to the baby's belly.  The cord quickly dries and shrinks in diameter, similar to sinew,  and detaches often by the 3rd Postpartum day (but up to a week in certain humid indoor air conditions) leaving a perfect navel.  
Interestingly, extended-delayed cord clamping & severing (just waiting more than an hour after the baby's birth),  results in quicker cord stump healing, with an average of only one week for detachment of the stump, which makes a big difference for diaper changing!








Q:  Why bother to question cord-cutting protocols?  Why change family traditions?
A:  Care providers and parents who have experienced Lotus Birth babies observe that they are demonstrably more relaxed and peaceful babies who do not manifest the common (and stressful to baby and mother) 1 lb. newborn weight loss and breastfeeding jaundice that is associated with the first week of life after "normal" birth's cord cutting, particularly cord cutting within an hour of birth.  These observations have yet to be studied by university hospital pediatrics, though hospital lotus births have taken place in Australia.  Needless to say,  a beneficial impact on child and family development is what motivates the exploration of non-severance options.

These intact Lotus babies lose no energy just trying to stabilize their systems in the early postpartum hours and this shows on all levels (relaxation, bountiful healthy weight gain, core muscle strength, fine & gross motor skills, and alert observation of the world around them).  This could be called 'accelerated development' but that would be a misnomer:  Lotus babies are simply undiminished by stress in a very stressful culture.  
Their greater capacity for relaxation, compared to nurslings who had early cord severance and placenta loss, is apparently a metabolic foundation for life, and makes teething and other developmental stages much less distressful.  It could be concluded that Lotus birth gives babies lifelong coping skills.




A不斷臍是練現代瑜珈的家長們在1980年代探索自然生產時復興,並開始被稱為「蓮花生」,連結了東方對於蓮花的尊崇與因維持完整而神聖的寶寶,及支持無暴力生產的行為(詳見法國產科醫師Frederick Leboyer所著Birth Without Violence一書)。Ahimsa,不殺生論,無暴力且將心比心,是一種瑜珈式生活方式的核心價值。從英國殖民主義中解放的印度正是源自於甘地這樣的價值與領導,而馬丁‧路德‧金的民權運動激發邊界地區的人迅速跟上。在生產時報持著這樣的理念可以釋放驚人的能量,讓「生產與早期的養育成為平靜的經驗」潛力發揮到最大。Ahimsa在很大範圍的程度幫助許多西方助產師與陪產員,而這取決於他們受到的訓練、價值觀與個人發展。




Q:  What is the connection between Lotus Birth and Yoga principles?

A:  The practice of "Non-severance"was revived by modern Yoga practitioner parents who were exploring natural birth in the 1980s and thus began to be called "Lotus Birth", connecting the esteem held in the east for the Lotus to the esteem held for the intact baby as a holy child, with a great esteem for practices that support birth without violence (See the book Birth Without Violence by French obstetrician Frederick Leboyer).   Ahimsa, (non-violence in action and thought within one's self and towards others), is a fruit of Yoga practice and a core value of the yogic lifestyle.  It is from the writings and leadership by Gandhi in Ahimsa that India was freed from British colonialism, and Martin Luther King, Jr.'s civil rights inspired marches followed soon after.  Approaching birth options with Ahimsa in mind is something that can create a tremendous liberation of creative energies, freeing the potential of birth & early parenting to be a peaceful experience for the human family at large.  There is a great range in degree of Ahimsa facilitated by various western midwives and doulas, depending on their training, values, and personal development.

The fully aware, intact human child carries an inner universe of potential, just like the Lotus flower whose seeds are actually plantlet embryos, containing everything needed to "Bloom and Continue to Bloom."  The umbilical cord stalk that rises out of the placenta has various unique similarities with the Lotus leaf pad and stem!  The fresh Lotus stem is very strong, yet flexible, like the umbilical cord.  The Lotus leaf has similar lacy vein patterns to the fetal side of the placenta.  And of course the Lotus seeds and root are a very potent, rejuvenative medicine in the east.

A core principle of Yogic self-mastery philosophy is that "all attachment will fall away," a lesson most modern adults spend years struggling with, but  perfectly experienced in the gentle 'breaking forth' of the dried cord.  Another Yogic principle is the sacredness of the first 40 Days (six weeks) postpartum as a meditative journey of mother-baby home seclusion with lots of domestic support.  The postpartum time is generally taken more slowly and consciously when there has been a Lotus Birth.









Q:  How is a Lotus Birth actually practiced?

A;  After the baby is born, the cord is not clamped and after the placenta is born, the baby and its cord/placenta are kept intact - i.e., the cord is not cut.  

In Lotus Birth, the fact that the baby's previous months contained the constant pulsing companionship of the cord in the womb, and the protective, pulsing placenta pillow, is highly valued, along with the significantly reduced risk of infection at the tender navel site.  (Infected cord stumps are sadly an unnecessary but very real danger for infants in unhygienic conditions).

When the placenta is born, it is kept at the same level as the baby to allow for full transfusion of nutrient rich blood & hormones and full expansion and function of the baby's new breathing apparatus, optimized on a deep internal level when there is no additional stress on their system.  There is no rush to do anything with the placenta - it is often just wrapped in a soft cloth near the mother during the precious first hours of bonding (the 'Primal-adaptive" period as named by Michel Odent M.D.) after the completed birth.

Then, at some point the placenta is placed in a special bowl or wrapped in a ceremonial cloth (it is helpful to rinse it first, and remove clots).  Powdered herbs such as Lavender, Goldenseal, Rosemary or Tulsi may applied for preservation during the drying process, and re-applied daily.  Sea salt is also applied generously on both sides to aid drying and minimize scent.  This small pillow and its cord are easily kept with the baby, and some women even use the Lotus pillow as an elbow prop during nursing.  Some mothers prefer to leave the placenta in a special bowl,  near them in the bed, with the sturdy, flexible cord mostly dried just a few hours after birth.





事實上,巴里島人相信,我們每一個人在出生時都有四個隱形的兄弟陪伴著我們:象徵著胎盤、臍帶、羊水及胎脂。他們相信這些守護者跟我們一起來到這世界,並且在我們的整個生命中保護著我們。孩子從有意識開始就被教導,不管他去到何處都有這四個兄弟相伴,且他們會永遠照看著他。這些兄弟棲息於一個人為了活得健康快樂所需要的四種美德:智慧、力量、友誼與詩意。透過對他們的了解與日常生活中和他們密切關係的建立,這些兄弟可以在任何關鍵性的時刻被召喚來救援或協助。而當你去世時,你的四個心靈兄弟將會為了接下來的旅程接收你的靈魂。寶寶出生的數個小時後,父母盡可能的多收集這些素材,將它們放在椰子殼裡然後埋到屋子的前門旁。(取自Elizabeth GilbertEat, Pray, Love, 2006, pp 251-252


欲更進一步了解巴裏島上Bumi Sehat Yayasan生產中心的蓮花生及助產主管Robin Lim讓處於危機中的婦女擁有極好結果的獲獎紀錄,請至



Q:  Don't all cultures in the world clamp and cut the cord within minutes of birth?

A:  Cultural anthropology is a realm rich with birth & postpartum traditions different from western medicine's immediate severance rituals.  For example, the modern islanders of peaceful Bali, a beautiful culture that esteems beauty in all things, still continue the ancient practice of extended-delayed cord clamping-severance (typically 2-5 hours after the birth) and have many full Lotus Births at home and in birth centers.

In fact, the Balinese believe we are each accompanied at birth by four invisible brothers – represented by the placenta, the umbilical cord, the amniotic fluid, and the yellow, waxy substance that coats an unborn baby’s skin.  They believe these guardians come into the world with us, and protect us throughout our lives.  The child is taught from earliest consciousness that she has these four brothers with her in the world wherever she goes, and that they will always look after her.  The brothers inhabit the four virtues a person needs in order to be safe and happy in life:  intelligence, strength, friendship, and poetry.   The brothers can be called upon in any critical situation for rescue and assistance, by knowing who they are, and cultivating a mindful connection to them as you live your day.  And when you die, your four spirit brothers collect your soul for travel.   Several hours after the baby is born,  the parents collect as much of these materials as possible, placing them in a coconut shell and burying it by the front door of the family’s house.  (from Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, 2006, pp 251-252)

According to the Balinese, this is the holy resting place of the four brothers, and that spot is tended forever, like a shrine.  Other items are placed with the placenta - items that are believed to affect the child's future so much thought is put into choosing them. They may include red silk to symbolize bravery, yellow flowers such as jasmine and hibiscus to represent luck, a pencil for intelligence, perfume for keeping a person smelling nice, and different currencies for prosperity. The placenta is thought to be the twin of the child so items of the baby's clothing may also be included to "dress" the placenta. A few drops of the mother's breastmilk may also be placed on the placenta. The container is then wrapped and buried by the father beside the front door of their home - to the right for a boy and the left for a girl. If the family ever move, the placenta is dug up and buried at their new house.

To read more about Balinese Lotus births at the Bumi Sehat Yayasan birth centers and Midwifery Director Robin Lim's award-winning protocols that create fantastic outcomes for at-risk women, click  here 

Yoga families often keep the dried silk-wrapped cord and Lotus-pillow in the vicinity of the home the first six weeks before burying it, being aware of the subtle impact of gratitude & honor the first 40 Days (the placenta was called "grandmother" in many native tribes).  In fact, in Chinese Medicine culture, the placenta is eventually dried, powdered, and encapsulated -  to be taken by the recovering mother, as it has potent hormones which are now known by even by western science to  be  beneficial and specific to that particular woman's metabolism.  






Q:  I've seen cats and horses give birth freely and they just eat their placentas like all mammals.  Isn't it unnatural for a human mammal to have a Lotus Birth?

A:  Actually not all mammals sever the cord and eat or bury the placenta!  In fact, the mammals considered to be of the highest animal intelligence, the primate chimpanzees (who are also monogamous and socially supportive of each other), when in their native wild habitat, generally do not sever the cord, as reported by primatologists in the 1970s.  The same goes for many different kinds of monkeys. The new mothers sit with the baby-placenta in their arms when they slowly move around a little in their retreat spot in the first day or two after the birth, and when the cord then detaches, the cord & placenta are left on the earth and become meat for the forest floor, and the new family swings from the trees!
















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